Another Small Encounter With Large Implications
Near the end of the block I walk several times a week to the Monterey Market, a young man turned out of a front walk just ahead of me, holding a stack of doorknob announcements in his left hand. As I passed him, I could read that he worked for Sonic, our Internet provider.
“We use Sonic,” I announced turning toward him. As he pivoted to face me, I noticed how graceful he was, and how friendly and open his expression.
“It’s a great, company” he answered. “I love working for them.”
Given that he must hold an entry-level position at Sonic, his declaration surprised me. Even though his pay must be low and his job takes place on the sidelines, he identifies with Sonic. That’s a good recommendation both for him and the company, I thought.
“Well, we agree,” I laughed, and started to walk away.
“By the way, are you on fiber optic?” he asked. “If you aren’t, I can check to see if it’s available to you.”
When I explained that we weren’t, but that I had inquired about the possibility and was going to switch, he smiled broadly. “You won’t believe how much faster it is. You’ll love it!”
As I continued to the market and then wandered about selecting my fruits and vegetables, I kept thinking about my recent encounter. Another ripe small moment, I mused. Most immediately, the young man’s enthusiasm for Sonic left me more pleased than ever with my Internet provider. Given my displeasure with so many of the large companies woven into the fabric of my life, I felt reassured that we can still discover customer-oriented, ethical businesses.
Then, as I selected several rosy, ripe peaches, two perfectly round and tight-leaved artichokes and a bunch of collard greens as large as elephant ears, I realized that meeting the young man had nourished me on a much deeper level as well. Even a brief encounter with such a pleasant young man reassures me that, despite the painful political moment we are immersed in, the increasing damage of climate change, the suffering of a dear friend, life continues to offer moments of grace and goodness.

What a clear and precise and warm capture of this moment…the kind that keep us all sane!
For me, this kind of encounter keeps me more than sane. it keeps me happy!