Jane Anne Staw coaches writers and authors from all over the U.S. Her students and clients have published more than 25 books, been published in literary magazines and received numerous prizes. She has taught at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, Stanford University, and University of San Francisco. She has also taught at The University of California at Berkeley Extension where she was named an Honored Instructor.
Jane Anne serves on the advisory board of the UC Extension Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program in Writing and was on the founding advisory board for the Belize Writers’ Conference, the first event of its kind in that Caribbean country.
She is the author of three books: Small: The Little We Need for Happiness, Shanti Arts Publishing; Unstuck: A Supportive and Practical Guide to Working Through Writer’s Block, St. Martin’s; and Parsnips in the Snow: Talks with Midwestern Gardeners (co-authored with Mary Swander), University of Iowa Press.